Some health issues tend to be seasonal in nature. You aren’t going to develop frostbite in July, and it’s relatively unlikely you’ll end up sunburnt in December. Allergies are another great example of a seasonal health problems. One that definitely isn’t seasonal? Plantar warts! (Okay, if you read the title of this post, you probably had an idea that was coming…)

Warts are a medical issue pretty much anyone can develop at any time of the year. Since a wart isn’t going to just hibernate in the winter, you need to have it treated.Doctor treating a wart on the bottom of someone's foot

Why should warts be treated? While it’s true that warts will generally go away on their own, this can take up to a couple of years. During that time, you may be subject to pain and discomfort. Further, there’s a chance the wart spreads, either elsewhere on your own body or to a family member.

Of course, those are just the issues that can develop for otherwise healthy individuals. If you are diabetic, a wart can be really bad news. Remember, anything out of the ordinary in your lower limbs can be a problem, and plantar warts are no exception!

So now that you understand why warts need to be addressed, let’s take a look at what our office can do to help.

Whereas you can find off-the-shelf wart removal kits at the local grocery store or pharmacy chain, these kits typically contain salicylic acid that is either too weak to be effective or so strong it can potentially damage your skin. When we use topical medication to treat plantar warts, you know it is a safe product being applied in an appropriate dosage (and sterile environment) by a skilled professional.

One mistake you do not want to make is trying to cut out a wart. “Bathroom surgery” is simply never a good idea. To start, there is too great a risk you slip and cut yourself when attempting to remove the wart. If that’s not enough, plantar warts are viral growths and you can’t cut out a virus. Finally, you most likely won’t be attempting to do this in an environment that is medically sterile, which means there will be a heightened infection risk.

We have professional-grade topical solutions to treat plantar warts, but we also provide surgical options in cases where it is warranted. Now, don’t let the “surgery” label concern you. This is not a major procedure and it is done on an outpatient basis right in our office.

If you or any of your loved ones living at home have developed a plantar wart, you can take the time to wait it out. Of course, as we noted, it might take a couple of years before the wart actually goes away. In that time, the responsible virus could be passed along to other family members. Instead of risk and contamination—and having to live with pain, discomfort, and the embarrassment of having a wart—come see us here at Massapequa Podiatry Associates and let us handle it for you. 

Call us today at (516) 541-9000 to request an appointment or contact us online right now regarding any skin conditions or other foot problems you may face!


Dr. Corey Fox
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Long Island Podiatrist serving Massapequa and all of Nassau County
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Kate 12/23/2017 12:32 AM
Hi, Just wanted to let you know that I featured you in a recent article named: Top 40 Podiatry Blogs You Should Be Following in 2018 Congratulations and keep up the awesome work! Regards, Kate
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