Hallux Varus: The “Anti-Bunion”

Dr. Justin LoBello
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Long Island Podiatrist serving Massapequa and all of Nassau County

Hallux varus treatment in MassapequaHallux varus might not be as well-known as a bunion (hallux valgus), but the way this toe deformity can affect the shape of the foot is no less striking.

In a way, hallux varus is the opposite of a bunion. Whereas a bunion sees the big toe drifting toward its neighboring toes, hallux varus sends the big toe drifting away inward.

It is plain to see how hallux varus can cause difficulties in daily life. At Massapequa Podiatry Associates, our Nassau County foot doctor helps patients find the relief, treatment, and/or correction they need to overcome this condition and get back to doing what they love with much less discomfort.

What Are the Symptoms of Hallux Varus?

The most obvious symptom of hallux varus is naturally the big toe angling outward from the foot, creating a greater amount of empty space between the big toe and second toe. It is a very difficult symptom to miss!

The drifting of the toe can lead to one or more secondary symptoms as well, including:

What Causes Hallux Varus?

The big toe can begin to drift away from the foot for several reasons. According to our Nassau County foot doctor, one of the most common, however, is overcorrection from a previous bunion surgery correction.

There are many different forms of bunion correction surgery meant to address the deformity and the instability in the joint at the base of the big toe. Sometimes, typically in older procedures, these measures can go too far and create an instability in the joint which causes the toe to drift away from the foot. 

Hallux varus can become obvious shortly following a bunion correction, or it may take years for the instability to show itself. 

Other potential causes of hallux varus include:

  • An inherited instability of the toe joint (such as having tight tendons), often present from birth
  • Instability caused by past trauma or injury to the toe
  • Underlying nerve conditions

What Are the Treatment Options?

We can provide expert evaluation, diagnosis, and care for all cases of hallux varus – including those that may have resulted from bunion corrections formed elsewhere.

Before recommending any form of treatment plan, we must be sure to fully examine the extent of the condition, its history, and its effects on your life. Not every treatment plan will be the same, and we want to ensure we provide the best recommendations to meet each patient’s personal situation and needs.

In many cases that are less progressed, conservative forms of treatment may be able to provide substantial relief. The methods can include:

  • Changing to wider, more accommodating shoes
  • A program of stretches or special exercises to improve strength and flexibility in the toe joints
  • Providing additional protection against friction in the form of padding or toe sleeves
  • Splints, taping, or other equipment to hold the toe in a more accommodating location

If conservative methods are ineffective, then surgery with an experienced Nassau County foot doctor might be considered to restore stability within the toe. This can include cases that were a result of overcorrection to begin with.

Surgical procedures might involve manipulating the tendons, muscles, or ligaments to restore balance. In some cases, joint fusion may be the most favorable means of finding relief. Since the joint being fused was never supposed to move greatly in the first place, patients who undergo fusion typically find few inhibitions to activity.

When to Visit a Foot Doctor

Whatever the cause of any distress in your toes, you can rely on the experts at Massapequa Podiatry Associates to provide the management and treatment you need. The sooner such problems are addressed, the less of an impact they can have on your future!