Sometimes you don’t get a choice about surgery—after a serious accident, for example. However, when it comes to bunions, you have a choice, and it’s not always an easy one.
At Massapequa Podiatry Associates, we provide both conservative and surgical care for bunions, and our experts can help guide you toward the best possible decision. But it’s still a decision that only you can make.
Every case is different, of course, but here are some things to think about when deciding whether surgery is right for you:
- Have you pursued conservative treatment options? We will almost always recommend that you exhaust non-surgical alternatives (such as shoe modifications, orthotics, taping, or other therapies) before considering surgery. Although these treatments won’t “fix” your bunion, they may relieve your pain and restore your mobility.
- Are you healthy enough for surgery? Some people may have medical conditions that make surgical procedures riskier. In such cases, there may be a higher threshold for recommending invasive care.
- Are you prepared for post-operative care? Depending on how extensive the procedure is, it may be a few days, a few weeks, or even a couple of months before you’re able to do things like walk without crutches or drive your car. Delaying surgery until you can take time off from work or can coordinate regular assistance from family members or friends can help make the process go much more smoothly.
Bunion Surgery on Long Island
That said, we don’t want to scare you away from surgery! Most bunion operations are highly successful. No procedure is 100% guaranteed, of course, and there are always risks, but the vast majority of people are very happy with the results. Although recovery and rehab can be inconvenient, the truth is that for most people who elect surgery, a few weeks off of their feet is a very small price to pay to finally overcome years of pain and mobility issues and get their lives back.
Dr. Corey Fox and the team at Massapequa Podiatry Associates aren’t going to rush you into a decision. We’re here to listen to you, understand both your current condition and your future goals, and offer our expert advice on the options available to you. Then, whatever you decide, we’ll provide the highest quality care, whether through conservative bunion treatment or bunion surgery options.