If you’re an active adult—and given the boundless number of benefits of physical activity, you absolutely should be—it’s possible you might develop a case of Achilles tendinitis at some point. This common sports injury develops in response to repetitive stress on your Achilles tendon. Pain will usually start at a fairly low level, but increases over time (and is particularly strong during, or immediately following, physical activity).
As we look at treatment for Achilles tendinitis, there are several different options. Sure, there are times when professional care is needed—and it’s always a good idea to check with us for accurate diagnosis—but you may be able to find heel pain relief at home. Some at-home treatment for Achilles tendinitis include:
- Rest. Your body is amazingly capable of handling issues, but it needs time to do so. If you continue to perform normal tasks, you impede its ability to heal.
- Medication. Always check with our office for proper dosages and then pick up any recommended pain medications. We may suggest nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine to alleviate pain.
- Ice. Cover an ice pack with a thin towel—to prevent damaging your skin—and apply to the injured Achilles tendon three or four times during the course of the day for 15 to 20 minutes per session.
If you’re unable to address the problem on your own, it’s time to bring in the pros. At Massapequa Podiatry Associates, we have a range of advanced treatment options to help you overcome heel pain from Achilles tendinitis (and other sources). We offer:
- Amniovo – Amniotic membrane contains regenerative growth factors that helps soft tissue heal more quickly. This product is completely safe and many patients have been impressed by the results.
- Tenex – In this treatment, we use a device featuring a very thin, needle-like apparatus that vibrates at ultrasound frequency. This is inserted through a tiny incision and safely breaks down damaged tissue.
- Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) – This is performed with a noninvasive device that utilizes sonic waves to stimulate and amplify the body’s own natural healing processes.
- MLS Laser Therapy – Whereas ESWT uses sonic (sound) vibrations, laser therapy delivers energy via amplified light beams. Much like with ESWT, this is a safe, noninvasive treatment option.
- Minimally-Invasive Surgery – Traditional surgical procedures often required large incisions and long recovery time. Technological advancements now enable us to perform minimally-invasive procedures that are safer, have less risk of infection, and quicker recovery periods – all while delivering effective results.
For additional information on treatment for Achilles tendinitis, heel pain, or any of the numerous foot and ankle conditions we treat, contact our Long Island office today. Either give us a call at (516) 541-9000 or connect with us online right now.