Shockwave therapy might not be a familiar name to many, but this form of treatment has been used for many years across many medical fields: sports medicine, physical therapy, orthopedics and – yes – podiatry, among others. This is not a new, “experimental” form of treatment, but one that has plenty of results-based evidence to back it up.

If you want to know more about the specifics of what shockwave therapy is and how it works, we recently posted a primer about it in our blog. Here, we will be diving deeper into what makes Shockwave therapy a more effective option for many patients when compared to other options.

Find 4 Major Benefits of Shockwave Therapy for Enhanced Recovery

Discover the transformative power of shockwave therapy through these four impactful advantages that can enhance your health and well-being. Find the following pointers to learn how this innovative treatment can benefit you: 

1. Shockwave Therapy May Help You Avoid the Need for Surgery

Surgery is sometimes a necessary route for finding relief, but more conservative options are almost always preferred when possible. 

Shockwave therapy can provide an alternative to surgical procedures by relieving discomfort and stimulating the body’s natural healing and recovery processes – all without the trauma that comes with surgery. Shockwave will always be a much simpler procedure to execute, as well.

As with every other form of treatment, we cannot guarantee that shockwave therapy will always be 100% effective for every patient. Different cases have different factors and potential complications, but we will always happily discuss all of your potential treatment options with you. If we believe this therapy can work for your particular needs, it will definitely be an option worth considering.

benefits of shockwave therapy

2. Minimal Downtime for Recovery

During a standard shockwave therapy session, the vast majority of patients can still bear weight on the treated area and go about their day completely as normal.

You may still experience some relatively minor side effects, such as mild pain, tingling, or bruising. If you are particularly active, we might recommend that you take a day or two off following a session, or reduce the overall intensity of sports and exercise for 1-2 weeks following the course of treatment. 

Even if one of the above recommendations must be made, it is still a much better option than having to outright stop activity for a longer and more complicated recovery period, as would be the case after surgery. Any form of treatment that can allow a patient to stay active during recovery – even if the level of that activity is somewhat reduced – is highly preferred.

3. Extremely Low Risk of Complication

Since this form of treatment does not require drugs or incisions, there is virtually no risk of complications arising while it is administered.

Since shockwave therapy is a regenerative form of therapy, it relies only on the body’s own natural responses and capabilities to encourage pain relief and accelerated healing. That means no foreign elements to possibly react badly to, as well as no risk of infection from any incision or other break in the skin. (That’s the big benefit of the “extracorporeal” part of the treatment.)

There may still be some specialized situations in which shockwave therapy would not be recommended for a specific patient. We can determine these factors on a case-by-case basis.

4. Simple to Begin and Stop

A full course of shockwave therapy is typically scheduled over a number of weeks, but you are by no means locked into completing it.

In fact, having treatment sessions spaced out this way allows us to discover whether shockwave is having the positive effects you’re looking for. If it is not working as hoped, we can adjust the treatment or outright stop it without any problems. 

There is no reason to continue a treatment that is not being effective for your needs, and shockwave therapy can be stopped immediately with no worry of harmful effects.

Is Shockwave Therapy Right for You?

Again, just like almost every other form of treatment, shockwave therapy will not be completely effective for everyone. But that said, the potential benefits can make it well worth considering in a number of cases, including:

  • Athletes and other active individuals who want to find relief with less impact on their activity levels.

  • Patients who have not had success with more traditional methods of treatment and want an intermediate option before discussing surgery.

  • Patients who might face a greater risk of challenges or complications with surgery.

Of course, you don’t have to determine right now whether shockwave therapy is a worthy option for you to consider. That is why we’re here to provide you expert evaluation, recommendations, and guidance on your path toward foot and ankle relief.

Call our Massapequa office at (516) 541-9000 or complete our online contact form to schedule an appointment with us. We’ll be more than happy to see you and start getting to the root of your foot and ankle problems.

Dr. Corey Fox
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Long Island Podiatrist serving Massapequa and all of Nassau County
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