Few things are more fun or relaxing than a trip to the salon, and there is certainly no shortage of places to go for a pedicure throughout the metro area. While it’s nice to take a load off once in a while and get some pampering, you should choose your salon with care—the cost of going to an unclean facility or contaminated tools could be athlete’s foot, a stubborn fungal toenail infection, or in severe cases, even a staph infection!Safe Pedicure Tips | Long Island Toenail Specialist

Here are some things to watch out for in a salon, as well as tips to make your trip as clean and safe as possible:

  • Don’t go if you have any open sores, and don’t shave your legs for at least 24 hours before an appointment. Tiny, even microscopic nicks and cuts offer an opportunity for germs to enter.

  • Go early in the day. Tools and pools are more likely to be clean if fewer people have used them.

  • Bring your own tools, if you have them. A good nail technician will be happy to use them.

  • If you don’t have tools, make sure the salon fully disinfects and sterilizes them between clients, ideally using an autoclave. Soapy water doesn’t cut it.

  • How about the foot baths? Pipeless jets are best, since they offer fewer places for bacteria or fungus to hide. Any liners should be replaced between uses, too. It generally takes about 10 minutes to fully disinfect a foot bath between uses, so make sure the salon is doing its due diligence and not skimping on cleaning time to get more customers through.

  • Make sure your pedicurist cuts toenails straight across (not rounded), not too short, and never have them clip your cuticles.

  • Is the salon and technician licensed? If they are, this information should be clearly displayed somewhere at the salon.

Remember, never be afraid to ask a salon about their hygiene procedures, and if you have any doubts at all about the safety of the facility or the disinfectants used, look elsewhere. If you notice particularly poor or unsafe conditions, you can file a consumer complaint with the New York State Division of Licensing Services.

Dr. Corey Fox
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Long Island Podiatrist serving Massapequa and all of Nassau County
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